Unlock your natural radiance with PRF treatments at Hjem Aesthetics. Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) injections offer remarkable rejuvenating effects for the skin, harnessing the power of your body's own plasma and white blood cells.
Our PRF injections provide organic anti-aging solutions, improving pigmentation, firmness, texture, and reducing sagging and dark circles. With long-lasting results and natural outcomes, PRF treatments complement other procedures and medical-grade skincare. Experience the beauty of PRF in various facial areas, including cheeks, tear troughs, nasolabial folds, and more. Discover the transformative potential of PRF injections—book your session today for a refreshed and revitalized appearance.
PRF Treatment & Price
PRF facial injections are performed in a series of treatments spaced six to eight weeks apart. Initial volume enhancement will typically last one to three weeks, which will then dissipate. Long term effects such as collagen production, skin tightening, and enhanced skin quality may take up to three to four months to be noticed, and can last from six to 12 months. Improvement of scars is long-lasting. Visible improvement following PRF treatment is typically seen six weeks or more from the initial treatment. Deep lines and advanced wrinkling cannot be reversed.
$650 per session - 3 sessions needed.
$800 Per Session

Rediscover Your Skin's Natural Glow with PRF.
PRF Pre & Post Care
To make the most out of your upcoming PRF treatment, please follow our pre-treatment instructions.
We cannot treat if: pregnant, nursing, diagnosis of any hematological disorder, recent (within 2 weeks) or active infection, or during an autoimmune condition flare up. **Please get clearance from your physician if you have a history of autoimmune, neurological or psychological disorders. Do NOT stop taking any prescribed anticoagulants for this procedure unless cleared by your prescribing practitioner**Any vaccinations/boosters in the last 2 weeks
Please Avoid and Call Us If:
Facial surgeries/trauma within the last 8 weeks.
Active cold sore if treating the lip area.
Any use of Aspirin within the last two weeks (do NOT stop taking any prescribed anticoagulants for this procedure unless cleared by your prescribing practitioner).
Significant event (i.e. wedding, photo shoot) within two weeks after treatment as it can take up to 2 weeks for any bruising and swelling to subside.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink at least 64 oz of water and eat a good snack before coming to prepare for the blood draw.
Take 2000 mg of Vitamin C daily before your treatment. The earlier you start, the better!
Avoid Omega 3s, Turmeric, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic Supplements for 7 days prior.
To lessen your chance of irritation & redness, pause the use of Retinol & exfoliating acids 3 days before your treatment & for 3 days after.
If you develop a fever, cold, or flu symptoms, or develop a cold sore, blemish, or rash, etc. in the area to be treated prior to your appointment, you must reschedule (we will not treat you).
It is recommended, if you have a special event or vacation coming up that you schedule your treatment at least 2 weeks in advance (we prefer 3-4).
Discontinue use of anti-inflammatory drugs (steroidal and non-steroidal) such as Aspirin, Motrin (or any other Ibuprofen drugs) at least 3 days to 1 week before your treatment. With PRF, we "want" inflammation this is one of the mechanisms of how PRF does its work. If you are or have been on systemic use of corticosteroids (steroids) within 2 weeks of treatment, we cannot treat you. Consult your physician for approval to discontinue the use of steroids and receive treatment.
Discontinue use of any other blood thinning agents such as Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's and DHA's), etc. at least 3 days to 1 week before and after treatment to minimize bruising and bleeding.
It is recommended that you avoid: Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, spicy foods, and cigarettes 3 days before and after your treatment. (All of these may increase the risk of bruising).
There are minimal restrictions after your PRF injections allowing you to return to your daily activities almost immediately.
Do not touch, press, massage, or manipulate the treatement area(s).
Keep your head above your heart for 4 hours.
Do not exercise for 24-48 hours.
Continue to avoid Aspirin (blood thinning medication) for 2 weeks post-procedure (DO NOT stop taking any prescribed anticoagulants for this procedure unless cleared by your prescribing practitioner).
If you experience discomfort or pain, you may take acetaminophen/Tylenol as directed.
Do not apply ice to the treatment area for 72 hours.
Do not wash or take a shower for at least 6 hours after your treatment.
Do not use any hair products, lotions, creams, or make-up for at least 6 hours after your treatment.
Avoid hot baths, saunas, and steam rooms for 3 days.
It is normal to experience bruising, redness, itching, soreness, and swelling that may last 3-14 days following your procedure.